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The Healthy Eating Chronicles - Healthy eating made easy

Morgan Garrett

Alright you guys asked and we are here to deliver. Eating healthy can be a scary thing, with the overload of information available and everyone on Tiktok who thinks they are mini experts in the subject, it’s hard to know what to believe. One minute something is good and the next it’s bad, so how do we know what’s true and what's the trend of the hour? We want to break down what is fact and what is fiction so you guys can make the most informed decisions! Welcome to healthy eating made easy.

When deciding what to eat it’s important to first have a strong foundation of knowledge about what makes up a healthy diet. A healthy diet consists of a balanced mix of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy. Each food group plays an important role in providing your body with the vitamins, minerals, oils and fats that are essential to a healthy life. It’s also important to remember gut health, without a happy and healthy gut it’s more difficult for other parts of your body to function in the way they are supposed to. Your gut health is one of the most important aspects of your health that often gets overlooked when considering what to add to your diet, and we will cover different types of food that you can incorporate into your diet to keep your gut feeling it’s best.

The foundation of any healthy diet is going to be your grains. Whole grains to be specific. Wheat, barley, buckwheat, brown rice etc… Our “traditional” food pyramid lumps white bread and wheat bread in the same category, which is false. White bread is closer to cake than it is a nutritional grain! Along those same lines, white rice has almost zero nutritional value compared to brown rice which is incredible for you. Rice bran is one of the most nutrient dense substances ever studied. With over 70 antioxidants proven to aid in cellular repair for a more youthful appearance. Including magnesium rich foods into your base of grains is essential for your body to be able to absorb the calcium you need. Magnesium rich foods include beans, soy products, peas and lentils.

The next and equally as important as grains is going to be your vegetables and fruits. You should be eating a larger portion of vegetables than fruit but both are essential. When deciding what fruits and vegetables are best for you, you can pick based on what you are looking to achieve through your eating. For example, if you are lacking iron or wanting to enjoy the benefits of a chlorophyll rich diet you would want to focus on eating dark green vegetables. Those are going to be the most rich in iron and the darker green the vegetable is, the more chlorophyll the vegetable will contain. Other examples of intentional vegetable choices might be asparagus, broccoli or green beans which are all low in starch and good for lowering blood sugar. When it comes to picking which fruits are best for your diet, start by setting an intention. If you are looking to increase your vitamin C to improve immunity and overall health, look for citrus fruits such as oranges, pineapples, kiwis and lemons! If you are looking for fruits rich in antioxidants which help fight inflammation and disease you should incorporate berries into your diet. Cherries, blueberries, strawberries and blackberries. In general, the darker the berry the more nutrients it will carry. All long stemmed fruits will carry potassium, magnesium and calcium. 1 - 2 cups of mixed fruit daily is ideal for full nutrient benefits.

Stay tuned for the next blog post where we will discuss all things protein! Protein is one of the most important parts of a healthy diet and deserves a whole post on its own. In the next blog we will dive into the different types of protein, how it affects your body and even some common myths about how much protein you should be eating! We will also include some easy recipes to try that are easy on your wallet and easy on the planet.

Until next time friends,

A Touch of Energy Wellness

Cincinnati, Ohio







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